
Activate Onboard subscription

How to activate your Onboard app with a subscription licence key

  1. Your Onboard subscription has not been activated or is in an expired state.
  2. A user of the administrator role is required when carrying out the following instructions.
  3. You have purchased a 32-character licence key
Depending on the state of your Onboard subscription licence, the activation screen can be accessed in two-ways:

Licence has expired – If your licence has expired, you can access the activation screen by clicking on the ‘Activate Licence’ button’ on the landing page.


During trial period – You can activate your subscription during the product trial period by first, going into the administration area:

Then secondly, by clicking on ‘Activate Subscription’ button on the left-side menu:

This screen will enable a user to activate their Onboard subscription.

  1. With your Onboard licence key at hand, enter the 32 characters of your key (including dashes) into the licence key text field, and press the Activate button:
  2. On successful activation, the page will reload and you will be presented with a ‘Licence Activated’ message.

The time limit for using Onboard has now been lifted, according to the duration of your subscription period.