Auto Classifier

Revolutionise your content management by automatically classifying your content

Auto Classifier’s hyper-intuitive cognitive capabilities intelligently extracts keywords by understanding the semantic context of your content and eliminates the effort required for end-users to add metadata manually to their content therefore, allowing your workforce to focus at the task in hand

MS AppSource 1
Automatic Classification
Microsoft Teams Logo

Microsoft Teams

Auto Classifier works in conjunction with Microsoft Teams to automatically extract and associate metadata to your content

Microsoft SharePoint Logo

SharePoint Online

Auto Classifier works in conjunction with your existing Information Architecture and taxonomies. Enrich the pre-built models to increase accuracy

File shares

File shares

Auto Classifier extracts and applies metadata to your internal content and allow for an easier refinement & search process in your document archives.

Increase productivity, improve search and remain compliant

Remove the unnecessary task of attributing your content with metadata, improve the accuracy of your metadata/keywords by training and making Auto Classifier aware of your organisational context, improve search and remain in compliance to regulatory requirements.

Keyword extraction

Auto Classifier intelligently extracts metadata and keywords based upon the semantic context of your content.

Improve your search

Improve the discovery of content by enabling Auto Classifier to automatically tag your content.

Organisation aware

Increase the accuracy by training Auto Classifier based upon your organisation's data and taxonomies.

Auto Classifier - Before Classification Auto Classifier - After Classification
Usage 3


Understanding your content

Define a migration strategy by getting a complete view of your organisation's content. Auto Classifier can be ran across multiple repositories such as file-shares, network shares, SharePoint 2007 - SharePoint 2019 as well as SharePoint Online. See a holistic view of your organisation's content via a Power BI dashboard enabling you to refine and query the data.

Operational efficiencies

Auto Classifier uses intelligent language processors to extract meaningful data from your content and presents it to you in an easy to digest dashboard. Use the data to improve operational efficiencies, streamline processes and make intelligent and informed decisions.


Use Auto Classifier to comply and adhere to regulator requests. Auto Classifier enables you to use to identify content containing sensitive information such as addresses, credit card information and government classification. Seamlessly integrate with Microsoft 365’s Compliance Centre and Azure Information Protection.



Use Auto Classifier to retrospectively tag your existing data on SharePoint (On-Premise or Online). Use Auto Classifier's intuitive interface to define your data repositories and train data models to become organisational aware.

Enhance your search experience

We often struggle to effectively connect with colleagues and to uncover the information we need to be immediately productive. An employee spends at least 2.5 hours per day looking for information. Auto Classifier improves your organisation's search experience by automatically tagging your content and allowing your users to find content and reduce duplication.

Improve accuracy by training your data models

Improve the accuracy by training Auto Classifier against your organisational data and taxonomies. Use your existing taxonomies so that Auto Classifier can understand your organisation's terminology.

SharePoint Migration
Auto Classifier Benefits


Increased end-user adoption

Auto Classifier has proven to increase user engagement and adoption by removing unnecessary tasks such as tagging their content. Auto Classifier improves search and Microsoft Delve experience and has shown to increase collaboration across organisations.

Seamless integration with Microsoft Teams

Auto Classifier works seamlessly in conjunction with your Microsoft Teams. Content Managers can now live a stress-free live knowing that Auto Classifier is automatically tagging your organisation's content.


Content Authors and administrators can use the Power BI dashboard to see how your organisation is creating and managing it's data. Run reports in relation to compliance and regulatory requests.

Download Auto Classifier Product Information
