Compliance Checklist

Your first checklist

Instructions to create or install a certification checklist into your Microsoft 365 tenancy

  • SharePoint steps from the Installation section must have been carried out prior to continuing with the following Power Automate setup instructions.
  • When you have no certifications or checklists installed into the system, you will be presented with the welcome screen
  • From here, you can:
    • Create your own checklist - Create a custom certification specific to your organisation's standards and requirements
    • Browse pre-defined checklists - View Konsolute's selection of pre-defined checklists, ready to install into your tenancy

Create custom certifications for your organisation’s standards.

  1. From the welcome screen, click Create your own checklist
  2. In the New Certification dialog box, enter a name and a description for your new custom certification
  3. Click Save
  4. You will be brought to the main dashboard view and your certification will be the first (and only tab available)

Konsolute has provided a number of pre-defined industry standards available as a certification install into your Compliance Checklist app.

  1. From the welcome screen, click Browse pre-defined checklists
  2. This will take you to the Checklist gallery page on
  3. Press Install Now against one of the checklist cards
  4. You will be directed to the checklist information page. Click Install to tenancy 
  5. Complete the site collection url in the form for where you'd like the new checklist installed
  6. Press Install
  7. Once the request has been sent through, you will be presented with a confirmation screen.
  8. Once the checklist has been added to your site, you will receive an email.
  9. Go back to your checklist app and refresh the page. You will see that the new checklist has been installed.