Compliance Checklist

Certifications Overview

Information about the purpose of certifications and their structure

  • Certifications are a representative of a industry standard
  • Konsolute has provided pre-made ISO certifications and are available for install to any existing Checklist app here
  • Certifications can be customised to support other industry standards
  • Certifications can have four statuses
    • Not started - No certification clauses have any action plans associated to them as evidence
    • Major Non-Conformance - Less than 50% of certification clauses have any action plans associated to them as evidence
    • Minor Non-Conformance - More than 50% of certification clauses have any action plans associated to them as evidence
    • Compliant - All certification clauses have completed action plans associated to them.
  • Certifications (aka Standards) can have a number of clauses
    • Clauses describe a single objective or target that the organisation must achieve to conform to the certification
  • Each clause can have a number of action plans linked to serve as evidence for completion of a clause
    • Action Plans are used to plan changes or work required to conform to a particular clause. Many action plans can be associated to a single clause.
  • A number of tasks break up the within an action plan
    • Tasks describe the steps required to complete an action plan objective
    • Within each task, there is a checklist, further breaking up the task.