case study

Konsolute's Microsoft 365 Migration and App Development Solution for Unison

UNISON is one of the UK's largest trade unions, with 1.3 million members. They represent staff who provide public services in the public and private sector. Konsolute worked with Unison migrating their content from on-premises to the Microsoft 365 cloud, modernising and redeveloping their apps to utilise features of the Microsoft cloud and maximise their return on investment.


Unison were looking to unlock the remote connectivity and collaboration benefits that come with the use of the Microsoft 365 platform. The global pandemic only accelerated the need to support Unison users working in all locations, and Unison needed to provide seamless file sharing between teams, tools, devices, and departments from virtually anywhere.

Unison faced several challenges in this project. They had a large amount of content stored on on-premises servers, and they needed to ensure that this content was migrated seamlessly to the cloud without any data loss or disruption to their operations. In addition, they had several custom-built apps that needed to be redeveloped to work in the Microsoft cloud environment.


Konsolute provided a comprehensive solution to help Unison overcome these challenges. Konsolute created a detailed implementation plan by conducting a comprehensive Discovery Phase based on Unison’s key requirements. Konsolute organised requirement workshops where Unison sites were analysed and mapped, from which a strategic roadmap for the rollout to SharePoint Online was created. A phased rollout was then implemented according to the strategic roadmap. The phases of the rollout were communicated with the customer in order to ensure that the implementation process did not interrupt the their ongoing business processes.

During the Discovery Phase, Konsolute also conducted workshops with stakeholders and users across the company to identify User Stories. These User Stories helped build a picture of the individual requirements of Unison users.

In addition to the data migration, Unison had several custom applications that that were used in SharePoint 2013 on-premise. Once again, Konsolute conducted requirement gathering workshops so that they could redevelop these custom applications for integration with SharePoint Online and the Microsoft Power Platform.


Konsolute were able to successfully migrate all Unison content to Microsoft 365 with full cloud functionality. This enabled Unison to cut their costs for IT infrastructure, remove unstructured data, reduce the number of document storage locations, and improve their information governance. Konsolute implemented a full Microsoft 365 tenancy that granted access to remote users, enhancing Unison’s collaborative abilities.

Konsolute conducted an agreed upon pilot migration of regional sites followed by a phased rollout in order to tailor the process to stakeholders’ requirements and reduce the impact to existing business processes. Konsolute were able to successfully redevelop all previously incompatible workflows and applications for SharePoint Online. The migration and implementation of Microsoft 365 by Konsolute resulted in an upgraded system for Unison that improved the user experience and increased productivity across the organisation.

  • Non-profit
  • Not-for-profit organisation
  • SharePoint Online
  • Microsoft PowerApps
  • Microsoft Power Automate